Thursday, May 10, 2012

Losing their homes

Please do pray for the Balkhu slums in Kathmandu The army and police have evacuated them from their Temporary homes They have no where to go and have all their belongings on the streets We minister to more than 30 teens from here weekly Please pray

Sunday, March 28, 2010


winter cap and blanket distribution at balkhu to slum kids and their
We distributed 100 winter caps and 7 blankets amongst the poor in
their huts and as usual we had more people but less caps and lesser
blankets. I sense the Lord would want us to do this regularly... Many
of these poor people we know personally as we minister to them every
week so we are careful to give to them only. We have been on our guard
to not give these blankets and caps to unknowns or suspicious
characters for we know in the past it was sold and used for drugs,
gambling and boozing etc.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Development dreams of the poorest countries in the world,needs development for the long term in all areas of society...from roads to hospitals and from orphanges to churches...the need in all areas of society is so huge it can become overwhelming if we dont focus on the few that we are able to help
so far all over nepal we have been able to build orphanges,childrens grounds,women's centres and build micro enterprises for the physically challenged amongst other things...
pray for us as we go and help bring sustainable solutions.

relief work-koshi area

at tumlingtar

church building at east nepal

chitwan orphanage